Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Home is a Memory

But most important of all,
Home is but a memory,
changing while you're gone,
Home is your imagination,
caught in images, in your mind or your photo album,
something you only remember if you pull that album off a shelf
or you think a homesick thought.
Home is just a dream, gone if you go back.

by: Edward Finn

This is written by a TCK from my readings for my capstone. I just ran across it again in my notes, I really identify with it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Places

Since my dear friends Christina and April both beat me to posting about our experience I will only put up but a few pictures from the places that we went and really reiterate that when a friend suggests a place, why not try it! The above is the amazing mocha from Bittersweet!
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Capstone...Need I say more...

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The next picture from Bizaar cafe is not posting for some reason :(. I was excited to be able to show April this place and how lucky we were to be able to observe some interesting people that came in there while at the same time totally focusing on our capstone:).