Saturday, February 27, 2010

small hopes

Tonight I watched Emma, the new BBC version. It was four hours long, that's right! I'm a big Jane Austen fan, have been since first picking up the book Pride and Prejudice in high school. Emma is second to P&J in my favorites of Austen's books. I love the stories, the time period,the characters and aside from that I think Austen has so many timeless themes threaded throughout her stories.
Near the end of the movie tonight as Emma started to have her dreams realized, someone made a comment but her hopes were so small. It was late so I'm pretty sure that's what she said. This was near the end when Emma got to see the ocean for the first time which was one of her biggest dreams, it also helped that the man she loved brought her there :). So, it got me thinking although her hope of seeing the sea seemed easy, to those of us looking from the outside, it was a big hope for her and really important. All of her dreams came true...
Do dreams come true in reality?

1 comment:

  1. yes, but i think that we have to make our dreams come true sometimes which unfortunately jane austen's characters didn't always have the luxury of. and that's why we can dream "bigger" as well.

    but there's definitely value in enjoying small things of beauty in our life as well.

    i'm glad you enjoyed emma. i just love sense and sensibility and persuasion.

    they should make mini-series/super long versions of those as well.
